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Sage Meadows residents in Temple gathering signatures ahead of Thursday's city council meeting

Community wants city council to revise potential new housing plan with biggest concern being safety.

TEMPLE, Texas — Thursday's city council meeting in Temple is sure to be a good one. A number of homeowners from the Sage Meadows community plan on attending to contest plan for a 180-unit apartment complex that might be built.

Even if anyone can't attend, they can still make their voices heard.

"I can't attend tomorrow's meeting, but I did sign the petition for the traffic issue, and I hope that they can solve that," Sage Meadows Homeowner Paula Pollei said.

The biggest problem, aside from notice or different parameters has been the issue of traffic.

Sage Meadows and the Village at Sage Meadows both live along South Cedar Road just down the street from Lake Belton Middle School.

The street is packed with cars during pick up and drop off times. Pollei said just earlier on Thursday it was nearly impossible to traverse the road.

"You can drive down our streets just around the corner here. After school is out and you can't even get through the street. It is that bad," Pollei said.

Traffic as well as safety, says homeowner Ian Workman.

"There's only gonna be one exit and entrance on Cedar which is going to push all that traffic directly on to Cedar and be a safety issue for all the kids going to school here," Workman said.

At Thursday night's city council meeting, the Sage Meadows community doesn't necessarily want to end the plan completely, but rather suggest changes to make traffic and safety better for all.

They're all in support of low-income housing, but want a better plan of action.

"We just want to get the item either pulled from the approval packet tables for a later date so it can be reviewed in and really looked at, because like I said, that plan that they're voting on improving has changed and there's been no new plan resubmitted," Workman said.

RELATED: Temple residents hoping city will change stance on housing project

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